Economic Sciences
Vowels o and e after sibilants in suffixes of nouns Spelling of vowels after sibilants in endings
Subject: Russian language Class: 5th grade. Lesson topic: Spelling O and E after sibilants and C in suffixes and endings of nouns Lesson type: ONZ Basic...
Chernigov Decembrist uprising
Similar materialsWestern Ukrainian lands within the Austrian Empire at the end of the 18th - first half of the 19th century. Contents: 1. Creation of the Austro-Hungarian Empire....
Geography of Algeria: relief, climate, population, minerals
Economic and geographical position of Algeria This state is located in northern Africa on the Mediterranean coast. The country's western border runs with Morocco, Western...
English from scratch: how to start learning successfully
“Each new language expands man’s consciousness and his world. It’s like another eye and another ear,” says the hero of Lyudmila Ulitskaya’s book, Daniel Stein. Would you like...
Vanga's predictions about Europe and beyond
Did Vanga really already foresee the invasion of migrants and the European Union trembling under its pressure, was it true that crowds of refugees could carry with them a terrible virus...
Geographical location of Eurasia
Municipal educational institution “Secondary school No. 17, village. Kruchenaya Balka" "Physical and geographical position of Eurasia. History of the study"...
Chief of the General Staff Valery Gerasimov on hybrid war How the shadow of “hybrid war” grew
The tension in society has been tearing nerves for three years now and dividing people along different groups of political leanings. Someone takes it for granted, letting it go with humor...
Protein synthesis in the cell - description, functions of the process
Education Where does protein synthesis occur? The essence of the process and the place of protein synthesis in the cell June 2, 2015 The process of protein biosynthesis is extremely important for the cell. Because squirrels...
What “lesson” did he teach them?
Not every person who has physical health and material well-being feels happy. But in this case, how can someone who does not have this achieve it? -This...
What is conscience and what does it mean to live according to conscience?
Add to favorites Conscience is a positive quality of a person’s character, the ability to hear, act morally, from the standpoint of Good, correctly assessing one’s feelings and...
Dialects in Russian
Ladoga-Tikhvin group Vologda group Kostroma group Interzonal dialects Onega group Lach dialects Belozersk-Bezhetsk dialects Southern dialect Groups...